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How Do You Stay Sane for Months at Sea? | The Swim

How Do You Stay Sane for Months at Sea? | The Swim

How does long-distance swimmer Ben Lecomte maintain his sanity during his daily eight-hour swims, and can a complex computer model track it? How Millions of Microscopic Fibers Are Ending Up In Our Bodies - Read More How Marathon Swimmers Stay Sane During Their Lonely Swims "Through all the training, the early mornings, the feedings, the grueling kilometres Olympic swimmer Stephanie Horner and her comrades rack up, almost nothing can prepare them for mowing through arduous loads and working long periods in isolation in the pool. It's just them and a chlorinated haze of water. Isolation has the potential to produce athletes that become bored, often finding it difficult in executing the repetition required to progress to the next level. It can also force a swimmer to give up during competition or quit altogether." Can a Computer Replace Your Doctor? "Silicon Valley is bringing a host of new data-driven technologies to health care, many of them with enormous potential. But before we rush to measure every human attribute in real time, it would be a good idea to ask: When is more data actually useful to promote and ensure better health? And when does technology add true value to health care? The results have been mixed. May A.I Help You? "TWO YEARS AGO, Alison Darcy built a robot to help out the depressed. As a clinical research psychologist at Stanford University, she knew that one powerful way to help people suffering from depression or anxiety is cognitive behavioral therapy, or C.B.T. It’s a form of treatment in which a therapist teaches patients simple techniques that help them break negative patterns of thinking. C.B.T. is not difficult to learn, but it’s more effective when it includes regular check-ins with a therapist — which, as Darcy knew, isn’t feasible for most people. Maybe they can’t afford it; maybe they’re too busy; maybe they avoid treatment because it seems stigmatizing to them." ____________________ Ben Lecomte's historic swim across the Pacific Ocean is a feat that can’t be missed. Join us as we dive into the most extensive data set of the Pacific Ocean ever collected. Learn about the technology the Seeker crew is using to deter sharks away from Ben and measure the impact of the long-distance swim on his mind and body. Ben's core mission is to raise awareness for ocean health issues, so we’ll investigate key topics such as pollution and plastics as he swims closer to the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, discover potential consequences from climate change, and examine how factors like ocean currents can impact his progress along the way. Seeker explains every aspect of our world through a lens of science, inspiring a new generation of curious minds who want to know how today’s discoveries in science, math, engineering and technology are impacting our lives, and shaping our future. Our stories parse meaning from the noise in a world of rapidly changing information. Subscribe now! Seeker on Twitter Seeker on Facebook Seeker Discovery on Facebook Nomadica Films


No segundo episódio de "Voz Calhin" conhecemos Afonso Fonseca, estudante universitário português de etnia cigana. Afonso é cego, mas vê com clareza como a sociedade portuguesa imagina a comunidade cigana. Com base na sua experiência, desconstroi preconceitos, aborda medos e fala de sonhos. Fez das suas "limitações" pormenores e ambiciona viver num mundo mais justo e tolerante. "Voz Calhin" é uma série onde a palavra pertence a pessoas de etnia cigana. Homens, mulheres, crianças e idosos, todos em discurso directo e individual, dão-nos um breve testemunho sobre a sua cultura, história de vida, ambições pessoais e perspectivas sobre as causas e formas de combate ao racismo em Portugal. Produção: Synedoc Films Realização e Imagem: Daniel M. Silva / Alexandre Natale Edição e pós produção: Daniel M. Silva Pesquisa e Assist. Produção: Patrícia Vieira _____________ In the second episode of "Voz Calhin" we met Afonso Fonseca, a Portuguese university student of gypsy ethnicity. Afonso is blind, but he sees clearly how Portuguese society imagines the Roma community. Based on his experience, he deconstructs prejudices, addresses fears and talks about dreams. He made his "limitations" details and aspires to live in a more just and tolerant world. "Voice Calhin" is a series where the word belongs to people of Roma. Men, women, children and the elderly, all in direct and individual discourse, give us a brief testimony about their culture, life history, personal ambitions and perspectives on the causes and ways of combating racism in Portugal. Production: Synedoc Films Director and Image: Daniel M. Silva / Alexandre Natale Editing and post production: Daniel M. Silva Research and Production Assistance: Patrícia Vieira


Desta vez, "Voz Calhin" apresenta Francisco, um rapaz que não quer ficar associado a estereótipos por ser cigano. Com apenas 14 anos, já tem no currículo a experiência de passar por preconceito e exclusão social na escola ao fazer parte das famosas “turmas de ciganos”. Procurando um futuro melhor - e mais inclusivo - mudou de estabelecimento de ensino. Vê como o seu percurso escolar mudou e os objetivos que a sua tenra maturidade já traçou. “Voz Calhin" é uma série que dá voz a pessoas de etnia cigana. Homens, mulheres, crianças e idosos, dão-nos um breve testemunho sobre a sua cultura, história de vida, ambições pessoais e perspectivas sobre o racismo para com a comunidade cigana em Portugal. Produção: Synedoc Films Realização e Imagem: Daniel M. Silva / Alexandre Natale Edição e pós produção: Daniel M. Silva Pesquisa e Assist. Produção: Patrícia Vieira _____________________ This time, "Voz Calhin" introduces Francisco, a boy who does not want to be associated with stereotypes because he is Romani. With just 14 years old, he already has the experience of going through prejudice and social exclusion at school as he was included in a “gypsy class” at school. Looking for a better and more inclusive future, he changed his educational establishment. See how his school career has changed and the goals that his tender maturity has already outlined. "Voice Calhin" is a series that gives voice to the Romani. Men, women, children and the elderly, give us a brief testimony about their culture, life history, personal ambitions and perspectives on the causes and ways of combating racism in Portugal. Production: Synedoc Films Director and Image: Daniel M. Silva / Alexandre Natale Editing and post production: Daniel M. Silva Research and Production Assistance: Patrícia Vieira #ciganos #romani #antiracismo
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